
Attempt to Think Clearly About Depression

Think clearly about depression. It is good to think and speak clearly about depression. Depression can perhaps be reinterpreted as meaning extreme and persistent sadness, despair and/or hopelessness. It seems that it is likely not helpful to consider low energy as a so called symptom of depression. If one physically has a difficult time doing things, then it seems that does not actually make sense to call it part of a psychological or mental disorder, and much less even a mental illness.

Mental means to relate to minds. Humans have minds. Humans have bodies. That is common sense. If the body is healthy, it is a human’s mind that directs the body and tells the body what to do and directs it. If a human’s body feels like it has what one might label as low energy, then almost by definition it cannot be a mental issue.

Certainly, one can have mixed feelings about doing or not doing something. Mixed feelings might make it difficult to decide what to do. If one is not sure if life is worth living, then one may have a difficult time deciding if doing anything is worthwhile. However, if one does decide to do something, even ambivalently, and if one’s body is healthy, then one should have no problem doing such a thing. So, if one is experiencing low energy and is truly unable to do something physically, then logically it cannot be part a mental disorder.

The term mental disorder, which is made up of two words put next to one another, involves the words that relate to mind (mental) and chaos (disorder). The prefix on the word disorder (dis) means lack of, and order means having a logical sequence or pattern, roughly. Mental disorders are perhaps more like philosophical or ethical problems rather than biological or medical problems. Brain disorders are more like biological or medical problems than philosophical or ethical problems. Is that not common sense?

Trying to solving problems, attempting to focus on positive thoughts, trying to create an enjoyable and satisfying life worth living, and engaging in potentially enjoyable activities are all good ways to potentially overcome depression, despair and extreme sadness.

Ideally, no humans will have unwanted or undesired emotional experiences, like despair or extreme sadness. It is not fruitful to unnecessarily complicate ideas and concepts. Obfuscating potentially relatively straightforward ideas and unnecessarily utilizing linguistic gymnastics is often a waste of time and at least the opposite of being fruitful, it seems. Hopefully more individuals will attempt to utilize common sense, logic and clear thinking when it comes to thinking about and conceptualizing things like depression and unpleasant emotional states.

Michael Ten

Michael Ten is an author and artist. He is director of Tenoorja Musubi, and practices Tenqido.