
Creating a Life Worth Living Is Possible

All humans should attempt to create a life worth living. It is possible to create a life worth living for one’s own self, it seems. No one should be forced to try and create a life worth living for one’s own self. Doing so, is a reward in itself. Only non-coercive persuasion can be used to authentically help someone to want to create a life worth living. Force will never work. Just as forced religious conversion will never authentically work, forcing someone to live will not persuade them to create a life worth living.

There are many ways to potentially create a meaningful life for one’s own self, it seems. Hopefully all humans on Earth will live lives that are meaningful, enjoyable, comfortable and fulfilling. It will be quite good when that happens, it seems. Engaging in potentially enjoyable activities can potentially help life to feel meaningful, it seems. Solving problems can help life to feel meaningful. There is no proof that it is impossible for any one human to create to create a life worth living.

Although it seems true that it is at least theoretically possible for each human to create a life worth living, no adult should be forced or coerced into trying to create a life worth living. Creating a life worth living and being forced or coerced into at least trying to give the appearance of creating a life worth living and actually creating a life worth living seem incompatible. Certainly, individuals can change their minds, but using force and coercion to try and have individuals live life seems unproductive, ultimately.

There are many ways to create a meaningful life. Tending to, cultivating, enjoying and maintaining quality social relationships can be a good way to help life feel meaningful. Helping others can be a way of creating a life worth living for one’s own self, potentially. There are an infinite number of ways to put beautifully arrange paint on a canvas potentially. Just like that, there are probably an infinite number of different ways to create a life worth living for one’s own self, it seems.

Experimentation can be a good way to find ways of successfully creating a life worth living for one’s own self. Research and experimentation in personal matters can often be a good way to have success, potentially. Creating a life worth living for one’s own self is most likely always possible, it seems.

Michael Ten

Michael Ten is an author and artist. He is director of Tenoorja Musubi, and practices Tenqido.