
Strategies for Experiencing Maximal Amounts of Subjective Well-Being

I want to help increase the amount of subjective well-being that each individual on Earth experiences. Let us briefly look at things that usually decrease the amount of subjective well-being of individuals on Earth. These include things like war, poverty, disease, death, social conflict. pollution, and so forth.

Let us briefly look at things that usually increase the amount of subjective well-being of individuals on Earth. These include things like social harmony and connectedness, abundance, comfort, engaging in enjoyable activities, thinking positively, successfully completing worthwhile goals, experiencing peace and so forth. Is it realistic to think that all humans might be able to be happy (experience subjective feelings of well-being) all of the time? Maybe or maybe not.

It seems logical that if the things that usually decrease the amount of subjective well-being that humans experience can be decreased to the greatest extent possible, and that the things that usually increase the amount of subjective well-being that individuals on Earth experience can be maximized, then the amount of subjective well-being of humans on Earth can potentially be maximized.

I theorize that there is no limit to the amount of subjective well-being (or happiness) that humans are able to experience. I have heard multiple individuals express, in various ways, the theory that humans need to experience negative emotions so that we can also experience, realize or appreciate positive emotions. I for the most part disagree with this. I think that this is likely wrong because, part of my theory is that if we experience ever increasing amounts of subjective well-being (or happiness), then we can use past memories of previous experiences of well-being to be able to recognize, appreciate and realize the increasing amounts of positive emotions in the present. I should note that I think that the terms subjective well-being and happiness can for the most part be used interchangeably.

Aforementioned above are things that may increase our subjective well-being and things that may decrease our subjective well-being. I think that the two word term term life enrichment is the best and most concise encapsulation of the process by which one goes through to try and increase the amount of things that may bring on feelings of subjective well-being for one’s own self and others, and also try to decrease the amount of the things that tend to decrease the amount of subjective well-being for one’s own self and others. Therefore, it is my goal to help promote and help implement when and where possible life enrichment on individual and societal levels.

Michael Ten

Michael Ten is an author and artist. He is director of Tenoorja Musubi, and practices Tenqido.